What our volunteers do

Volunteers are vital in supporting the Bass & Flinders Museum. Volunteers donate their time to engage with visitors and support our research and collections behind the scenes. Below are some of the ways our volunteers provide their time here at the Museum.

The Museum has a rich history of engaging volunteers to help us achieve our goals. whether interacting daily with visitors or assisting with research and the collections, volunteers work alongside paid staff to enhance our visitor's enjoyment and provide unique experiences across both sites.

Visitor Services

Help make sure every visitor to the Centre has a great experience, which they’ll share with others.

Guiding and School Programme Services

Help make sure pre-booked tour groups and students get the most out of the Centre.

Maintenance Services

Help make sure we’re on top of the wear, tear, and repair of the exhibitions, building, and grounds of the Centre.

Interested in becoming a volunteer?

Fill out the volunteer application form

Very knowledgeable staff members and a well set out display. I would not have gone in but my partner thought it would be good and he was right; I found it interesting.

Jay Wood